Kategorie: Barkington's

Barkington's is new brand with its very unique proprietor - Bob Barker!  A canine with a story, a heart of gold, and considered ‘kinda cute’. Someone used the google app that helps identify a dog breed - it stated "Breed? This is a carpet.... maybe?" 

Bob Barker was found in the Coachella Valley, Riverside County, California. Caught and taken to the shelter by the 'dog police' (his words), a visiting couple from Canada found him. Carefully positioning himself as a sweet and lovable young pup, it didn't take long for these people to sign the papers, and he joined them as a bonified member of the family. Once home in Canada Bob Barker now lives in another valley, far - far away from earthquakes, dust storms and the blistering sun of his birth. Lovingly called a 'carpet' or a 'Coachella chihuahah', Bob is a lovely mix of Russian Terrier, mini Schnauzer, a little bit of dachaund and a smidge of corgi, making him a unique and jaunty man about town.

Bob looks forward to meeting many new friends. He is happy to show you his designs and products, and he wants everyone to know that a share of profits are given to Canada Guide Dogs for the Blind.  Because everyone needs a good dog to lead the way.